How Can Pin Boulevard Help You?
  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profit Organizations
  • Local Government Organizations 
  • Community Boosters
  • Community Groups

Pin Boulevard Guides You

Is the whole idea of keeping up with Face-Tweet-Insta-Googly-Bing-Square-Meet-Terest-asaurus just too much to contemplate?  Let Pin Boulevard and its related documents and books lead you through the maze so that you can take advantage of the social media marketing strategies that are most important to your local business. 

First of all, those sites--Facebook, Twitter, and so on--are called networks and all of them together we call "The Socialplex." It's short and easy to remember. Secondly, some networks are more important than others, and our mission is to first give you a quick and basic understanding so you can decide which ones are best for your organization. 

Pin Boulevard Informs You

Social Media isn't exactly rocket science, but on the other hand, like anything else, the more you know the more effective you'll be.  

So let's start. 

What is the difference between Facebook and Twitter, from a small business point of view? 

Easy.  Facebook is for connecting with current customers, Twitter is for connecting with new customers. 

Facebook is critically important, Twitter is just essentially important.  As you might guess, they are both really, really important. 


Pin Boulevard Provides Time Saving Tools

Are you overwhelmed with just the prospect of keeping your organization's Facebook up to date?

Does the prospect of a Twitter presence, let alone any of the others, just seem overwhelming?  

Pin Boulevard to the rescue. 

Pin Boulevard's Social Tools, even at the free level, connect you with our local social networks with little or no extra effort on your part.  They can even help you build your organization's own presence taking just a few minutes a day. 

Pin Boulevard Promotes a Local Social Conversation

Marketing your local organization to local prospective customers on the Internet has always been a challenge.  

Social Media like Facebook came along and made it a little easier, but there still isn't a ready group of local readers for each community like there were when newspapers were the answer. 

Pin Boulevard fills the marketing void left by newspapers and yellow page phone books, orienting your orgnaization's visibility to local residents. 

Calling all Community Boosters!

Endorse locally owned businesses and local organizations in your area

Check out "Why Endorse Local Businesses" in the menu. (Only available in the United States at the moment).

909 454 6638

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